Elisa Giordano
During the past 30 years, I have enjoyed an exciting career as a graphic designer and entrepreneur. I am self-branded within the industry, with an exceptional ability that allows me to continue to develop and expand my passion for excellence in design.
I initially studied interior design at Newbury College, later transferring to the University of Massachusetts (UMASS) where I studied Commercial Art. Skills gained through my studies allowed me to develop and design many unique publications, catalogs, marketing tools and logos. These skills allowed me to completely redesign and rebrand several Texas-based magazines, giving them a new and more exciting vision. Additionally, I designed the Lookbook for a contender on Project Runway, Season 13. My most recent, and highly visible, work is with a PA-based media company where I produce an outstanding array of design materials through type treatments, spatial solutions, and pictorial presentations and with 71 Magazine as a design director.
“Graphic design is the basis for building an image through your body of work.” ~ EG
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